Madden 18 and Madden Ultimate’s fans need to spend 3 mins to link their account with Twitch and obtain 25 legends in Madden Ultimate team. Yes you can get 25 free Twitch Legends for free and can upgrade them from 83 to 90 OVR in the whole season.
Before you get them you need to have Madden 18 and Twitch Prime. The good new is that Twitch Prime is free for Amazon Prime members. There’s also a Twitch Prime free trial for 30 days for you to unlock the epic Twitch Loot. Not need to pay anything to if you start your trial and get the loot .

The first Madden 18 MUT Legend is an 85 OVR Reggie White, in addition you can also obtain 5 collectibles. Twitch will release the next Madden 18 legend at each Friday night among 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm.

The steps below you need to do:

  • Get Twitch Prime (A trial or paid membership or through Amazon Prime)
  • Link your EA and Twitch Accounts with this link
  • Click on Twitch Prime Loot or Jump Here
  • Click Learn more and then Redeem.

Ok once you complete all steps above it’s time to login Madden 18 on your PS4 or Xbox one station and go to Ultimate Team. Don’t worry if you there’s not a pop up, you can back to your packs and find a Twitch Pack and open it. You’ll get Regie White and five collectibles to start.

After that make Reggie White and four collectibles a set and upgrade white to a higher level. Once you get more in unlocks there’s one collection left you can use. Twitch will release the next Madden 18 legend at each Friday night and you’ll get it on Saturday, if you don’t receive it right away don’t worry, it may just a bit delay.



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