So, as everyone has seen, EA has changed ultimate team this week adding price caps on players to attempt to put an end to FIFA 15 Coins buying. They claim that they have done this to stop people gaining an unfair advantage over other players.

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I must admit there are positives and negatives to this new feature but overall I’m happy with it. If they keep an active eye on sales I do think that this feature can be a success (e.g. as players values drop near the minimum reduce their price range, as they approach their max increase the price range). By keeping on top of this they can still maintain a natural market with players still having their own value dictated by us the players rather than EA.

Like everyone though, I think EA picked a stupid time to implement this feature midway through the game as they have completely destroyed FIFA 15’s market. I can only assume they wanted to give it time to make the feature as good as possible in time for FIFA 16.

I’ve heard Youtubers like Nepenthez talk about a coin glitch which is responsible for all the FIFA Coins in the market which have supplied coin sellers with all the coins they are selling. I don’t know a lot about this but if it does exist it needs to be patched as its claimed that this is the route of the problem.

However, back to the claim from EA that this new feature is to make a “Level Playing Field” for everyone. I mean come on, who are they trying to kid? The main reason for them doing this is that other companies were making a fortune and they wanted a slice of the pie. Now with coin sellers out of the picture they will be getting more of the money again as people who want to fast track their way to a good ultimate team will buy FIFA POINTS.

If they really want to make a level playing field for everyone then FIFA POINTS have to go as well. Make it so no real money can be implemented into the game other than the actual purchase of the game. But that’s never going to happen.

Lets not kid around. This update has the sole purpose of further lining the pockets of the greedy capitalist pigs who run EA Sports. More convenient and efficient to buy fifa 15 coins, scan our QR code enter the mobile terminal.

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