Before Bungie logged out for the Holidays – and shortly logging back in thanks to Lizard Squad DDOSing Xbox Live and PSN on Christmas Day – it promised to deliver some presents to Destiny players in celebration. Destiny power leveling is also prepared for you a gift. The problem is that nothing really showed up on the 25th. Those who went back to the update learned that said presents would actually be arriving once the Holidays were gone. Now, community manager David “DeeJ” Dague has tweeted that players can look forward to their gifts in January. “Holiday gifts are scheduled for delivery in January. No one is missing out the Cryptarch’s good cheer.” What could these gifts be? Many speculate that they will be Exotic or Legendary Engrams that will decrypt into shards, Motes of Light or useless weapons like Pulse Rifles. That doesn’t stop the fanbase from waiting and wishing upon the a night-time Traveler. What do you hope to receive in Destiny this January? Let us know in the comments.
27 December, 2014
1 category
Tags: destiny
Category: Destiny 2